The over-emphasis on women in bikinis is a little degrading.The marketing materials are cheesy (hello, the 90s called and they want their advertising back).There are two glaringly obvious cons that I find cringe-worthy: Related Post: 5 of the BEST Beachbody Hybrid Workout Calendars You've Never Seen Here's the Cons I like that this program incorporates some weight training elements that are designed to develop muscle tone (not bulk). Cardio isn’t bad, but it won’t transform your shape like building lean muscle will. You’ve heard me say this before - lean muscle burns fat and contrary to what a lot of folks still believe, strength training is the best method for weight loss. As a personal trainer, I can tell you that a lot of glute-focused programs miss the mark on this. Leandro Carvalho, the creator of Brazilian Butt Lift does a great job of targeting all three major muscles that make up your glutes. It’s got a very latin, beach-y feel to it which is more interesting than staring at a boring typical backdrop.

The instructor keeps it light and fun so you tend to forget that you’re working out (bonus!). The first rule of consistency in fitness is to find something you enjoy doing. It’s fun! I actually like doing the workouts, which is important.Here's the Pros of the Brazilian Butt Lift Workout